Page name: Secret Santa 2014 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-12-04 01:49:07
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Owner: The Dizzy Raven
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Secret Santa 2014

Welcome to Secret Santa 2014!

Here for yet another year it's Elftown's very own Secret Santa! The idea is the same - everyone who wants to draw, paint, photograph, or write etc. a present for someone else and receive a gift in return, sign up below!

How does this work? You will be assigned to make a present for one of your fellow participants, (who you are making your present for should remain a secret!). In turn, someone will be assigned to make a present for you! But please note: you will not receive the present made for you if you don't submit the present you were supposed to make!

Sign up ends on December 1st. Tell your friends to join, too - the more the merrier! Just use the 'invite' button to invite everyone you think would like this idea to come and have a look.

So, here's what to do:

1. Sign up below, listing your username, and any hints you may have for what kind of Christmas present you'd like (not giving hints is cool too). If it's a character of yours you're hinting at, you need to post a link to a description/picture on this wiki - because obviously, you won't know who is drawing your present, so you won't be able to give them the info yourself.

2. On the 1st, you will receive the name of the person for whom you will be making a present. Don't forget to check to see if they gave a hint about the kind of thing they like, but don't be disheartened if you don't think you can draw what they hinted - they're hints to inspire you, not demands.

3. Get your creation in by the 24th of December! Send the completed piece to [The Dizzy Raven].

4. [The Dizzy Raven] shall send everyone their present on the 25th, around midday Elftown time. Receive your gift, be thankful, merry and spread festive spirit!


1. The art/writing/photography/pumpkin carving etc. must be 100% your own! See rule 4 for more information about photomanipulations.

2.Please put some effort into it. How would you feel if you got a present and it was clear it was a half-assed job they didn't care about? Don't submit drawings on lined-paper, or crappy camera phone photos etc. - they won't be accepted, and you won't receive your present, either.

3. If you don't submit your present, you will not be allowed to enter Secret Santa the next year. See Secret Santa 2011 2 for a list of those not allowed to enter.

4. Photomanipulations are allowed but if you choose to do a photomanipulation please place the piece on a wiki, along with all the relevant stock information, and send the link to the wiki to [The Dizzy Raven].

5. Images must be uploaded to Elftown.

6. No whining. It's Christmas. And this page is about giving and receiving presents. Only positive thoughts are allowed here.


Will my Santee be the person who is making a present for me?
A: Of course not - then it wouldn't be very secret, as you'd all know who your Secret Santa was. This also explains why we don't need an even number of entrants. :)

Q: Oh no! My Santee has asked for something I can't make! What do I do?
A: Stop panicking. The hints expressed are just that - hints They're not lists of "these are the only things I like and if my present isn't one of these things I shall hate it." They're just there to help you get some inspiration as to what they might like. Another source of inspiration is your Santee's Elftown House. The most important thing is to make the gift personal to them. :)

Q: My Santee said they wanted a drawing and I'm a writer! They'll hate my present, what do I do?
A: See above. Stop panicking.

Q: I was thinking of making my Santee a model or a teddy or something like that. Is that allowed?
A: If you want to do something like that, message [The Dizzy Raven] about it, and she will get in touch with your Santee to see if they mind giving you their address. If you do post it, make sure to send it recorded delivery so that it doesn't get lost

0. [The Dizzy Raven]-I like cheese and turtles!

1. [Kbird] I like anime stuff, darker works (edgar Allan poe, Tim Burtonect), stitch work, anything somewhat macabre but with humor thrown in.

2. [CuteCommander] Anything of a Nordic or Celtic style would be great :D

3. [Nocturnaliss] Always Dragons for me, but feel free to surprise me ;)

4. [Figgy] I will always always love art, stories, or anything at all to do with my OCs, particularly Light Blackburn or Tetra Riddle. I'm also really digging NBC's Hannibal right now, and I enjoy Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. I also like foxes and penguins, and I'm a sucker for pastels, esp. pink and purple.

5. [Lirerial] I love any type of art, stories or poems. I enjoy anything Celtic or supernatural and horses and large cats.

6. [Ravendust] er... oh gosh, just surprise me this year! :D

7. [Yami] I'm not horribly picky, though I'd love a picture of my O.C. Koiiko and Alois from Black Butler. Koiiko is a cross dresser, and would be in a Victorian gown, this is him: <img100*0:>

8. [Duredhel] Sure, why not? It'd be Daniela Morgan from the X-men RP, or my OC, Bunny (

9. [Yncke] Happy with anything, but if you need some inspiration, maybe something Per'Bat related?

10. [Ms. Steel]

11. [Yuriona] Pretty much anything Dragons & Dungeons or Halo related is good with me. I like dragons, elves, fairies, dwarves, ghosts, the macabre, modern & medieval weapons, siege engines, arms & armor. I like drawings, writings or photos. Landscapes, architectures, animals, and especially ruins or structures/places with stories. Yup, pretty much anything goes with me. Even erotica or dark, twisted & gory.

12. [Flisky] - Artists: a drawing of myself and my [Evolution X]. If not that, then one of my OCs found at Flisky's Character Collection. Writers: a nice fanfic of The Walking Dead or Star Trek TOS, a poem, or a hopeful story. Photographers: pretty landscapes or something of that nature.

13. [ancienteye] - I love monsters and pretty landscapes alike~ You can use anything from Fantasy or SciFi genres for me (although whether or not I'll get the reference is totally up in the air). If you are completely stuck on ideas for me, here's my DA account to take a look at my own chars: Just so you know though, I totally suck at making elaborate (or just not overly-simplistic) architecture and SciFi ships so if you are an artist, I would love you forever for drawing something along those lines. :3

14. [Linderel] - Anything you think I might like based on information you may find by snooping in my house and/or wikis.

15. [Amelia Stark] Imma say the same thing as last year very Jrock obsessed. Mainly Dir en grey, anything Fantasy, Tim Burton, Tattoos, stories, fanfic, But a little add on I have recently been into Marvel universe and the fandom pairings they have Specifically Loki/Thor or more so Captain America/ Iron Man.

16. [Piercedskull] Loki/Tom Hiddleston and Tony Stark/Robert Downey jr :3 or my character Felix. <img100*0:>

Past Years: Secret Santa 2006 * Secret Santa 2007 * Secret Santa 2008 * Secret Santa 2009 * Secret Santa 2010 * Secret Santa 2011 * Secret Santa 2012 * Secret Santa 2013

Username (or number or email):


2014-11-10 [Kbird]: yay!

2014-11-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: :D

2014-11-10 [Kbird]: I'm not the best artiest but I will try!

2014-11-10 [Figgy]: *excite*

2014-11-10 [Nocturnaliss]: Ahh, Secret Santa... best reason to return after I dunno how many months. XD

2014-11-10 [Figgy]: I think I gave plenty of choices >_>

2014-11-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: You don't have to be the best to be in this, Kbird. :) What matters is that you give it your all <3 It's about giving, not receiving

2014-11-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: Share this around like a wildfire! The more participants we have the better! :D

2014-11-10 [Nocturnaliss]: You can write as a gift, you know. I did that one year.

2014-11-10 [Synirria]: OH NO!!! I Wish I would have known about this before I signed up before the one I'm doing on facebook... I would have much rather to do this one... *Whimpers* I don't know if I can afford or if I have time to do both

2014-11-10 [The Black Goat]: I enjoy writing, but writing for or about someone else's character is daunting and (in my head) a little dangerous. I don't think I'd trust myself enough to do a piece on something that I didn't create, I could fuck it up too easily. Need to be able to get in the head of my subject and I can't do that with just a cursory glance at a character sheet and a couple pages of story or dialogue.

2014-11-10 [Nocturnaliss]: I wouldn't do that either. Actually, lemme go fish the story I'd written as a gift.

2014-11-10 [Nocturnaliss]: As you'll see if you look down at the comments, it was an inspiration thing. And [Duke Devlin] loved it ^^ so it doesn't have to do anything about characters... after all, the hints are given as ideas, not as rules to be followed. I know I won't complain if my gift has nothing to do with Dragons XD as long as it's thoughtful, that's what matters most.

2014-11-10 [CuteCommander]: Nox, you could always do erotica, you're good at that! ^_~

2014-11-10 [The Black Goat]: I am, but my tastes run a bit *cough* outside what most people would be okay with

(though some people do have some REALLY weird/scary fetishes too)

plus it's highly likely that what they want, won't interest me, no interest means no inspiration means no way I'm getting anything out lol

2014-11-11 [Figgy]: I would totally be okay with your tastes, Nox.

2014-11-11 [Figgy]: Expecto, you should still do it :) this one isn't all that serious, so no one would really expect anything huge from you.

2014-11-11 [Yami]: I like erotica. :3

2014-11-11 [Yuriona]: *perks up* Erotica?? *lurks*

2014-11-11 [Kbird]: <img:44166_1164144921.gif> Sorry I can not drawing anything erotic...or romantic....

2014-11-11 [Figgy]: Doesn't have to be either of those XD

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: I really want to sign up! I do! I just don't know what to put as my hints. >.<

2014-11-12 [Ms. Steel]: Being mysterious and unhelpful is really the way to go.

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: ...But I don't know everyone here. >.>

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: Hey, I'm number 13! :D

2014-11-12 [Figgy]: YOU KNOW ME YOU POS

2014-11-12 [Figgy]: *scuttles away into hiding*

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: You are not /everyone/. XD

2014-11-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: oh my. I certainly got lost in the conversation. lmao

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: ...What's a POS, anyways? :o

2014-11-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: O.o

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: ...What?

2014-11-12 [Flisky]: POS is 'piece of shit'. I use it to describe my first car, which was a Chevy POS.

2014-11-12 [ancienteye]: Ah... That was mean, Figgy. XD

2014-11-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol.....

2014-11-12 [Nocturnaliss]: "[Ms. Steel] butts" ... seriously?

Also, pretty cool to have over a dozen participants already. ... hoping for still more <<

2014-11-12 [Flisky]: Yes, she is quite serious about her butts.

2014-11-12 [Ms. Steel]: FIGGY IS A BUTTS

2014-11-12 [Figgy]: HahahahahahahAHAHAh

2014-11-12 [Figgy]: You guys know I kid.

2014-11-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: xD

2014-11-13 [Figgy]: Steel, don't ask for a picture of my mug. When the Santa asks for a ref, they're gonna get a really awful face. :/

2014-11-13 [Kbird]: I'd just draw witch.

kidding of course! don't hurt me!

2014-11-13 [Figgy]: >_>

2014-11-13 [Kbird]: *hides*

2014-11-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: *sips some tea*

2014-11-13 [CuteCommander]: A few I hope I get to make things for! ^_^

2014-11-13 [Ms. Steel]: That's okay; I only needed it for my dart board.

winky face

2014-11-13 [Yuriona]: *snickers*

2014-11-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: @.@

2014-11-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: hm.... could someone please share this around so we get more applicants? :)

2014-11-20 [The Dizzy Raven]: 12 days left to sign up! :D

2014-11-23 [Amelia Stark]: Finally singed up. Took me for ever but I haven't been on in a while

2014-11-24 [The Dizzy Raven]: yay! And it's alright :)

2014-11-30 [The Dizzy Raven]: Need another person to make it even before tomorrow!

2014-11-30 [Figgy]: ... we don't really need an even amount of people do we? As long as there are as many people giving gifts as receiving them. >_>

2014-11-30 [Duredhel]: Yeah :O, you don't need an even number for secret santa.

2014-12-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: But I'm only hosting it. It means one person who signed up
won't be receiving or giving

2014-12-01 [Flisky]: ...yes they will. We all pick someone, but there aren't pairs. It's random. Like...I pick 3 and am number 1. Dur picks 1 and is number 2. Figgs picks 2 and is number 3. We all have someone and will all get a gift.

2014-12-01 [Ms. Steel]: Just scramble everyone up on the list, and the first person can give to the next person on the list, and so forth.

The last person on the list simply gives to the first person on the list, regardless of even or odd number of participants.

2014-12-01 [Figgy]: What they said. :>

2014-12-01 [CuteCommander]: I have decided that what I want more than anything else for Christmas is a jive turkey

2014-12-02 [Piercedskull]: Aww crap is it too late to join?

2014-12-02 [Figgy]: I would put your name up real fast. I haven't gotten my Santee yet!

2014-12-02 [Piercedskull]: Yaay!

2014-12-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: No, I've done this before on another website. Yes, I scrambled them up, but I had an uneven number of people and there was one person I had to draw for because there weren't enough people.

2014-12-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: It doesn't matter now though, because we have an even number. I will send everyone their santees in the morning. Heading to work (3rd shift)

2014-12-02 [Flisky]: ..........I don't know how that would even happen. Unless you paired them which really shouldn't happen.

2014-12-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: I didn't pair them though :/

2014-12-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: About to send everyone their santees

2014-12-02 [ancienteye]: Whoot. :P

2014-12-04 [Yami]: I'm so excited about doing this! I got the perfect Santee!

2014-12-24 [ancienteye]: *excited/nervous giggling*

2014-12-24 [Flisky]: Just got mine in today. Bleh. I've been very busy.

2014-12-24 [ancienteye]: Just got mine in. A few minutes ago. Still not sure my Santee's gonna like it. >.<

2014-12-24 [Piercedskull]: No worries, ancienteye :) christmas is about appreciating the gifts people give you for every but of wonderfulness that it is

2014-12-24 [ancienteye]: Worrying is in my nature. And right now, the options are "worry about if they like my present" and "worry about if Mom will be home for Christmas". Let me worry about my first Secret Santa. ^-^

2014-12-24 [Piercedskull]: XD alrighty *hug*

2014-12-24 [Nocturnaliss]: Looking forward to the gifts exchange :) I think my santee will like their present, but well, you never know for sure XD

2014-12-24 [CuteCommander]: Mine will likely be finished just around midnight :P never cut any project so close!

2014-12-24 [Ravendust]: I'm still working on finishing mine haha, should be done later :D

2014-12-24 [Yuriona]: I should have mine done today albeit a bit later today. :)

2014-12-24 [Nocturnaliss]: Glad to see I'm not the only one who cut it close by sending it in yesterday XD

2014-12-24 [Lirerial]: Almost done with mine

2014-12-24 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol... you guys

I thought all of the secret santa gifts (that were sent in) were really awesome.
Noticed you guys worked really hard. I know your santees will love 'em!

2014-12-24 [Kbird]: I hope so, but in the end it's the thought that counts. Ill be happy with whatever I get~ ^.^

2014-12-25 [Ravendust]: fell asleep finishing my gift last night... Hurrying to get it done once I delete all the kkkkkkkkks from it haha...

2014-12-25 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2014-12-25 [The Dizzy Raven]: Finally on, guys. Was spending time with family this morning for Christmas after a long night of work (yeah... they had my crew work last night @.@). Will send everyone their gifts before I head to bed for the day.

2014-12-25 [The Dizzy Raven]: Sorry, guys. I keep passing out because of how tired I am. 3pm and I have been awake since 6pm yesterday night.

I am going to sleep and then send them when I am more awake.
Or if you would like to send your person the art yourself, feel free. I am sorry :(

2014-12-25 [Piercedskull]: No worries hun :)

2014-12-26 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thanks for understanding <3 I just woke up :/

2014-12-27 [Piercedskull]: Ive Yet to get mine :/

2014-12-27 [ancienteye]: Same.

2014-12-27 [Flisky]: My secret Santa is the sweetest of sweet hearts ever. ^^

2014-12-27 [ancienteye]: Oh? Who was it? :D

2014-12-28 [Amelia Stark]: Should we just make a page for the art? If you like I can start it.

2014-12-28 [Lirerial]: I haven't gotten mine either

2014-12-28 [Figgy]: We made one last year, so it'd be cool to make another, Thor.

2014-12-28 [Amelia Stark]: Already done

2014-12-28 [Piercedskull]: Perhaps everyone should just send the things they made? Or post them up

2014-12-29 [Ravendust]: Still waiting on my gift :( I can help if you need it [The Dizzy Raven]

2014-12-30 [Nocturnaliss]: I think like [Piercedskull], it'd be safer for everyone to send their Santee their gift. Seems it's being a rough holiday season for our Mukki, she'd probably like to know everybody got their gifts alright :)

2014-12-30 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah :( Sorry guys. Been trying to get to it

2014-12-30 [The Dizzy Raven]: And thank you, Noct <3

2014-12-30 [Nocturnaliss]: :) <3

2014-12-30 [Piercedskull]: Would it be easier for you if everyone just sent theirs out, Mukki? :)

2014-12-30 [Yuriona]: Sorry... I've been sick the last few days. So we're sending our gifts to Santee directly then?

2014-12-30 [Piercedskull]: I believe so

2014-12-31 [Yuriona]: okey dokey then

2015-01-01 [Kbird]: I can't send my gift, the computer I had it on crashed. >~<

2015-01-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: Yeah, Thank you, Pierced <3
Sorry, Everyone. Life has been really busy because of the holidays

2015-01-01 [Piercedskull]: Its alright hun :) we understand

2015-01-04 [Ravendust]: :o is it getting fixed [Kbird]?

2015-03-13 [Kbird]: sorry guys life drama happened, If the my gift still is messed up I can send a new one if its okay?

2015-04-01 [Nocturnaliss]: I'd think it is, even if X-mas's long past... I say, better late than never.

2015-04-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah

2015-04-13 [Kbird]: Okay, good.

2015-11-30 [Yuriona]: Anyone around interested in attempting secret santa 2015? Its a bit late in the game though... :S

2015-12-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: With so many people that don't show up on ET anymore... it might not be worth it :/

2015-12-01 [Yuriona]: I know. <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>

2015-12-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: It's sad really :(

2015-12-02 [Yami]: I'm up for it!

2015-12-02 [Yncke]: I have the 2015 wiki on watch. :)

2015-12-02 [Yuriona]: Link please! :3

2015-12-03 [Yncke]: That's just Secret Santa 2015. Nothing there yet, but I put it on watch just in case. :)

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